After a ridiculous four-day, pull-out-all-the-stops, do or die, get-it-all-done-or so help me, no holds barred creative session, which Akeem was gracious enough to come all the way out to Kansas City for, Forsaken Realm: The Light Within is complete.
For real.
I'm still looking it over, double-checking for formatting errors and the like, but it appears to be done. Good thing, too, because it will be available for purchase in just a couple of weeks from now. We have learned a LOT from this experience, which is going to benefit the next four books in the series, but let me tell you what I've learned.
Akeem Brown is awesome. I don't say something like that lightly. As the co-creator of the property, he's always ben very invested in making it work. Our huge distance from each other is a testament to that. But this visit was more than that. When I called him over a month ago and said "Dude, I'm really going to need you to come out. I don't see how we can make the deadline." He didn't ask questions, other than when, and he immediately put in to get the time off of work. Like me, Akeem has a job that is crucial to the support of his family. Time off of work is not something either of us takes lightly. So a few weeks later, he showed up for four days of non-stop production. It was amazing. By skipping sleep and intravenously taking his mountain dew, Akeem produced in four days what would normally take four months. It's good stuff. But you'll see, soon enough.
Daily, CeCe is doing work on the trailer for the book, which uses unique pieces of Akeem's art designed for the trailer, and that's coming along beautifully. I will be so excited when you all get to see it.