Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ninth Anniversary

Lately I've been thinking a lot about life: where I'm at, where I'm going, what the master plan is, and so on and so forth, but mostly I'm trying to make sure that I take the time to understand and appreciate how great a blessing it is to be right here, right now.

The picture needs a little explanation. CeCe, my wonderful wife of nine years, and I have kind of a quirky tradition. On our honeymoon, a rubber duck was in the bathtub of our hotel room. We kept it, and wrote the date on it. A year later, we got another one on our first anniversary. And that's our tradition. Each anniversary, we go on a hunt for our new rubber duck. Generally, we look for one that speaks to us, one that summarizes our past year and captures our hopes for the following. This year, we made a move from California to Missouri, my book was released, and CeCe is finishing up a pretty awesome freelancing opportunity. We've kind of felt like stars this year, and during the next year we've resolved to take aggressive steps to kill our debt, so it will be a year of reaching for the stars as well.

We went camping last night, and we got to experience the other thing that the duck represents: that of being able to sleep under a beautiful starry sky, unhindered by smog and clouding by city lights. There were also cows, lots of cows, but that's another story.